
Meat log mountain game cg
Meat log mountain game cg

: Beat down Wand Witch on floor 8 in the Observatory Room post level 19 : Panda beat down from “walk in forest” walk through city event on lv 14

meat log mountain game cg

: Chocolate mimic beat down on level 20, choose option “fight” : Cat beat down during walk through town event “looking for treasure” floor 4 ~8 in each row, 15 rows total, the opening title CG is with a grand total of 120 CG’s~ ~If you want to know if an ability/spell is "ranged/wide/melee" check out this~ ~This group will destroy everything with ease even on Abyss difficulty~ Get her up to 8's in all ASAP, don't give her any HUGE Get them up to 8's in all, don't give any HUGE Get her up to 8's in all, give her HUGE DEX seeds

meat log mountain game cg

Get her up to 8's in all, give her HUGE VIT + STR seeds Get her up to 8's in all, give her HUGE AGI +MNTL seeds "2" + "E" + "E" + "2" on long hallways is the best way to grind- once battle starts you can click "A" + "S" to speed the process up even more if you desire. HUGE seeds will increase anything over 8 for ever, obviously ONLY use these seeds on stats that are greater then or equal to 8.Ĭlicking on "A" will start/stop autobattle, "S" will speed up battles, and "2" will make you walk in a straight line until you hit a wall. LARGE seeds will increase to 8, so like the MEDIUM seed, ONLY use a LARGE seed on stats 6-7. MEDIUM seeds go up to 6, which means DO NOT use on someone with a stat of 2-3, use a SMALL- use the MEDIUM seeds on those with 4-5 in the stat. Seeds are very costly, be sure to not use a seed at the wrong time! SMALL seeds can boost up to 4, meaning use a small seed (much, much cheaper) when they have 2-3 in that stat. Forest Spirit + Sand Sentinel come with Holy Arrows skill + Hunter Trait/Ability, which is brutal, and there is really only one "Holy Arrows" scroll in game! Picking up Tatsu and giving her the skill with the scroll means all three have Recovery + Hunter + Holy Arrows, the only thing that makes Sand Sentinel better at that point in time is her % res which is much higher. The other big thing after "Recovery" is which/what skills do they come with, as some in game rarely if ever drop and can't be sold in store. You will notice with people (even Yomi) that don't have the trait/ability Recovery that they will drop in AP slowly down to nothing and then they will start to take massive hits, crits, lose armor rating and die (or you will just be sitting there clicking "guard" over and over again)- also, if Yomi dies it is an instant game over, something that frankly adds a whole new level of "risk" using her that takes her entirely out of play. This means that those that come with this ability/trait trump all those that do not. take no action)- this means that your people will be dealing more damage (high chance to crit, able to use skills, etc) while at the same time taking massively less damage (higher AP pool means less chance for enemy to hit, crit, ect).

meat log mountain game cg

"Recovery" is by far the most powerful of those in the game, it means that with high AGI (8 end game and 10+ for Slyvi) they will be recovering AP in massive chunks every single turn without having to "rest" (ie. All stats in game can be maxed with enough time, meaning everyone can be 8 in all stats, also people can be given scrolls to fill out their skills, people however cannot be given abilities/traits (unsure what they are called, they are listed on the right side of their profile) and thus those become the most "powerful" things in the game. Get Forest Spirit and Tatsu to 8 in all stats and stop there- Ceri should already be 8 in all stats by this point, don't give her any more seeds.ĪP is everything in this game, it is what determines if you can act, dodge, get critical hit, and even hugely impacts "flow". Once Sand Sentinel hits 8 in all stats give her all the HUGE DEX seeds. Once Succubus hits 8 in all stats give her all HUGE STR and VIT seeds. ITEMS: All + res seeds still go on Sylvi, once Sylvi hits 8 in all stats only give her HUGE AGI and MNTL seeds. PARTY: Sylvi + Succubus + Sand Sentinel + Forest Spirit + Tatsu + Ceri* (has to be in party) ITEMS: All + res/SMALL/MEDIUM/LARGE stat seeds go on Sylvi, if Sylvi has 4/6/8 in stat give the SMALL/MEDIUM/LARGE stat seed to Ceri. ITEMS: All + res/SMALL/MEDIUM stat seeds go on Sylvi, if Sylvi has 4/6 in stat give the SMALL/MEDIUM stat seed to Ceri. PARTY: Ceri + Sylvi + whoever you have captured

Meat log mountain game cg